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The Hex Files

A Second Chance

Chapter 2: Chapter Two


Draco had a chance with Harry, but ruined it. Now that he's apart from the raven haired Gryffindor he begins to see just what it is that he lost. When they are placed on a mysterious mission is it Draco's second chance at happiness? AU and SLASH!

Chapter Text

Author's notes: Draco had a chance with Harry, but ruined it. Now that he's apart from the raven haired Gryffindor he begins to see just what it is that he lost. When they are placed on a mysterious mission is it Draco's second chance at happiness? AU and SLASH!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I am not the owner of Harry Potter or anything related to him. I can wish all I want but the fact of the matter is that he already belongs to J.K Rowling...despite how ticked off I am at her for the direction that she's currently taking my two favourite characters!

A/N: Hey guys! Just a little warning, this story is AU and does involve some violence in later chapters.

Many thanks to Lily of Darkness for being the beta for this story!!

Chapter Two

“I'm sure it won't be that bad.”

Harry glanced at the telephone receiver as though it had sprouted tentacles. “Yes, Hermione, it can be that bad. I don't think you were listening the first time. Bloomfield is shipping me out with Malfoy, to Scotland, for an undetermined amount of time.”

“Think of it as a vacation. You get to visit Scotland.”

“I spent 7 years going to school in Scotland. I've seen it!”

“You've been on assignments with Draco before. I don't see what the big deal is.”

“You know what the bloody deal is!” Harry snapped. For a moment all he heard was silence while Hermione gathered her thoughts.

“Harry, you have to get over this. Yes, Draco should never have treated you the way he did, but you knew what he was like before you started that relationship.”

“I am over it, Hermione!”

“No, you're not, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. You're doing exactly what you do every time you get hurt; push everything to the back of your mind in hopes that you will simply forget about it. The two of you work in the same department. You are both head aurors, in charge of your own individual team. You are going to have to learn to work together despite your past history.”

“No, actually, I don't. I asked Bloomfield to draw up a restraining order for when I come back.”

“What? Harry, you're being childish.”

Harry rolled his eyes and changed the subject before they could get into an argument. “Have you heard anything from Ron?”

“Changing the subject isn't going to work forever.”

“It's going to work now,” Harry replied, before repeating the question. “Have you heard anything from Ron?”

“Nothing since Christmas.”

Harry sighed and sank down into a chair.

“You know how he is, Harry. You have to give him time.”

“Hermione, it's been two years. If he hasn't gotten used to it by now, he's not going to.”

“You don't know that!”

“You can keep the door open, Hermione, but I can't keep watching the sky for owls.”

“So, you're just going to throw away 12 years of friendship?”

“He did that when he left!”

“He was upset, Harry, and he had a good reason to be.”

Harry bite his tongue. He already knew that it had been his fault Ron had fled. He had given it all up for what he had thought was love. He didn't need to be reminded by someone else. “I have to go Hermione. I'm scheduled to leave early tomorrow morning,”he responded distantly. “Good night.”

Without waiting for a response he disconnected the call. Sitting there a moment, he stared at the telephone trying to get his thoughts in order. “I can't keep waiting,” he muttered, before standing up and heading to bed. If today had been any indicator, tomorrow was going to be a long, long day.

* * *

Draco slumped onto the couch beside Pansy, a beer in one hand and the television remote in the other.

“Hey Pans.”

Pansy glanced up from her magazine with a smile, which quickly slid off her face when she eyed his attire, sleep pants and an overly large t-shirt. “Tough day at work?”

Draco groaned. “You have no idea.”

“And that my dear friend is the reason that I don't work,” Pansy laughed. “Instead I live the life of luxury living off my daddy's money.”

“I actually like my job...most of the time. Today just seemed to be rougher then normal.”

Pansy snorted. “Yeah, okay.”

Draco shot her a look. “Aren't you going out tonight?”

“I'm suppose to be,” Pansy replied, flicking through her magazine. “Theodore was suppose to call three hours ago, but I have yet to hear from him.”

“Why do you put up with him?” Draco asked, taking a drink of his beer. “I'd have thought that you'd have a low tolerance for the 'nail and bail' attitude that Theodore currently sports.”

Pansy raised an eyebrow, looking up from her magazine. “I dated you, didn't I?”

“Oh not you too?” Draco groaned. “First Potter, now you!”

“What about Harry?” Pansy asked, perking up. “What did you do this time?”

“Why do you assume that I was the one that messed up?”

Pansy raised an eyebrow. “Because you are always the one who messed up.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Pans.”

“Spill, Draco. What did you do?”

Draco took another sip of his beer and reached for the remote. “What do you suppose is on the telly tonight?”

“Nice try,” Pansy replied, snatching the remote. “What did you do?”

“I might have led his secretary to believe that we had been shagging in his office.”


Draco scowled. “Why does there have to be an 'and'?”

“Because Harry wouldn't be mad over just that and given the looks of you tonight he's right ticked off with you,” Pansy responded. “So, Draco, what else did you do?”

“I sort of forced myself on him and repeatedly grabbed his arse as he was walking down the hallway.”

Pansy sighed. “Draco, you are such an idiot some times!”


I couldn't help it, Pansy!” Draco whined. “You should have seen him. He was wearing those jeans I like so much and-”

“That's enough, Draco,” Pansy interjected. “So what did he say?”

“He's having a restraining order put on me as soon as we finish our next mission.”

“Well, Draco, it is safe to say that you are never going to earn his trust that way.”

“I shouldn't have to earn his trust again.”

Pansy raised her eyebrow. “Draco, you slept around on him...multiple times!”

“What's with everyone freaking out about that?” Draco exclaimed, leaning back. “It's not that big of a deal. Theo does it all the time and you're still with him!”

“That's entirely different.”

“How is that different?”

“I'm not in love with Theo,” Pansy replied, standing up and heading into the kitchen.

“And what is that suppose to mean?” Draco asked, staring after her incredulously. “Are you insinuating that I'm in love with Potter?”

“And if I am?” Pansy asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

“I am not in love with Potter! Malfoy's do not fall in love!”

“Now that's a pity,” Pansy replied, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. “And if I was referring to Harry?”

“I don't care. Like I said Malfoy's do not fall in love!” Draco argued.

“Then I refuse to feel sorry for you!” Pansy snapped, sending Draco a glare. “As much as I hate Harry's Gryffindor tendencies, he was the closest thing to happiness that you are ever going to find. It is you're own fault you are in this situation and I wish Harry the best of luck in whatever path he chooses.”

Draco stared after her in surprise as she left the room and headed into her own room. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as well he stomped into his own room fuming. Throwing back the covers he climbed in and set his alarm for the morning.

Stupid Pansy! She has no idea what she's taking about! I am not in love with Harry...that's just...just ridiculous..